Baba Ganoush

Baba Ganoush, or aubergine dip, makes a great alternative to Hummus!

I am very lucky to work with a wonderful Greek lady, who helps me to understand Greek food.

One thing she told me about was an aubergine dip, and although she didn’t give a name for it, I assume it was Baba Ganoush.

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Leftover Pasties

Pasties, made by leftovers, pure in taste. Greggs will be delighted.

So the Cornish Pasty has been around for many a year, made famous by the Cornish miners and their soot covered bellies.

Now, I don’t tend to stick to a traditional recipe, simply because it’s a leftover dish for me.
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Foccacia Pizza

Triple D gives me a tasty treat when using leftover Foccaccia!!

I must admit that I am not afraid to spend a lot of my time watching Cookery shows.

One of my favourites is Diners, Drive ins & Dives, which is were I first saw this, deep dish pizza on display.

So I give you my version, the FatLad Foccacia Pizza!



450g Strong Flour
7g Yeast
1tsp Salt
1tsp Sugar
3tbsp  Olive Oil
300ml Water

Tomato Sauce

1 Tin of Tomatoes
1tsp Onion Powder
1tsp Garlic Powder
1tsp Basil
1tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

For the Pizza

Salami slices
Pepperoni Slices
1/2 Mozzarella Ball
1tsp Oregano
1tsp Chili Flakes


1. Following my Garlic Foccacia recipe, make the bread as instructed, using oil and rosemary, instead of the garlic butter.

Once baked, allow it to cool down.


2. Put all of the tomato sauce ingredients into a liquidiser, and blitz until the sauce is completely mixed.


3. Cut the Foccacia in half.


4. Cover in the tomato sauce.


5. Cover in the sliced meats.


6. Cut the mozzarella up and drape over the Pizza.


7. Put in the oven and cook for 15mins.

Enjoy with some garlic bread or some BBQ sauce on the side.


Garammasala Flatbread

Spicy flatbreads to make your lunch a little more, erm, spicy!

In my ultimate quest for the best sandwich, I have become bored with the plain old sliced white.

To that end, I have been trying out different bread recipes recently, and I have returned to an old favourite, the flatbread.

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Naan Bread

One of my favourite buys from the supermarket, but actually really easy to make.

As it is curry weekend I thought I would expand my bread knowledge, and look at making Naan bread.

To be truthful, I love it but I always buy it, so when doing my research into different recipes, I began to realise how easy it is to make.

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