
The smoothie has completely revolutionized my breakfast and mornings in general.

Oh my goodness, how easy are these to make!

I have recently come across them as Burger King of all places now have a Smoothie menu, namely Mango and Strawberry.

In order to make my own, I took my existing 5min Froyo Recipe and then pimped it with cream and bananas.



  • 6 Plums, chopped into cubes
  • 500g Yoghurt


  • Whipped Cream
  • 2 Bananas

How to make the Smoothie

1. Cut up all of the plums into small chunks. Put in a container and freeze overnight.

2. The next day, add all of the frozen plums into a food processor and blitz a few times.

3. Add in the yoghurt, blitzing until it becomes smooth. 

The simplest and fastest Froyo you’ll ever make.

4. Add the Banana into a liquidiser.


5. Add in the Froyo and the cream.


6. Liquidise until completely smooth.


Add to a glass with ice in and enjoy the fruits of your labour (groan).

Mega Muesli 

Get ahead on the day by sampling some of the wonder Muesli, that keeps me going to dinner!

Breakfast, in general, isn’t always a meal I will have, due to my work schedule.

It’s only the weekend really, were I get the chance to have something nice in the morning, to set me up for the cooking day ahead.

As I have been dieting recently, I have turned to Muesli to fulfil my food craving of a Saturday morning.

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