
The smoothie has completely revolutionized my breakfast and mornings in general.

Oh my goodness, how easy are these to make!

I have recently come across them as Burger King of all places now have a Smoothie menu, namely Mango and Strawberry.

In order to make my own, I took my existing 5min Froyo Recipe and then pimped it with cream and bananas.



  • 6 Plums, chopped into cubes
  • 500g Yoghurt


  • Whipped Cream
  • 2 Bananas

How to make the Smoothie

1. Cut up all of the plums into small chunks. Put in a container and freeze overnight.

2. The next day, add all of the frozen plums into a food processor and blitz a few times.

3. Add in the yoghurt, blitzing until it becomes smooth. 

The simplest and fastest Froyo you’ll ever make.

4. Add the Banana into a liquidiser.


5. Add in the Froyo and the cream.


6. Liquidise until completely smooth.


Add to a glass with ice in and enjoy the fruits of your labour (groan).